Saturday, July 28, 2007

NYC 2007

Hello All,

We have just returned from New York where we had an absolutely wonderful time. Especially, thanks to Trev who made our trip so memorable, and all of you that helped with Cy, he would not have done well in the city. Our boys had a great time, Coleman and Steff got to see "Wicked" thanks to Trev who won lottery tickets (he's won them 3 out of 4 tries!) Cal, Trev and I got to see the Yankees play in the house that Ruth built (Devil Rays hitting a grand slam and Jeter stealing second were highlights). Upstate New York was special and we're glad we missed the pageant crowds. We made a couple of slide shows, they may be a little long, sorry. Again, thank to all who made it possible.


Cam, Steff, Coleman, Calvin & Cy


Tiffany said...

Cam & Steff,
I love your movie! I just watched it with my boys..... & forget DinseyLand, they're begging me now to take them to New York!!! It looks like you guys had such a good time. We can't wait to hear the details!

liza said...

Steff and Cam! My brother somehow found the link to this page and sent it to me. Why don't you have your own blog yet? C'mon, everybody is doing it! So fun to see your cute family.