February 2006 - broken leg

A few weeks ago Braxton broke both bones in his left arm. We were at our good friend's cabin and he fell from a ladder going up to a little loft. Zak took him down the mountain and up to Primary Children's Hospital. They had to put him under anesthesia and set his bones. Zak said he was such a little trooper, and so brave during the 5 hour ordeal. He can't get his hard cast until next week because his arm and hand are so swollen. Poor little guy. As you can see, he went through a similar experience last year...so, really it hasn't fazed him much, and it hasn't slowed him down at all.....except for doing all of his Transformers that he got for Christmas...that's where I come in. I must admit, I'm getting pretty good at transforming those confusing little things! T. J. - a little help please!
Two weeks later - getting the hard cast put on!
Good job Brax! A new BLUE cast for BYU (that's what he told the U of U docs!)
You are so brave, Braxton. I LOVE your blue cast, and I love you and your brothers. Go Cougars ! LOVE you ALL !! Grandma Shirlee
HI Rand, I am Trent Packer's wife.(Thane's Daughter-in-law) We are trying to get some copies of some histories of some of Trent's grandma's and her parents. There are four that I am looking for. The first one is An account of the Palymra missonary experiences of Willars W. bean and Rebecca Bean. The second is Personal history (blue Note Book) and the third is Fireside talk, slc. Utah 1964. Recording and transcript in Palmyra Bean Packer Collection. I am also looking for a history that Palmyra wrote. I remember seeing it on her kitchen table on one of our visits. It was relatively small, and her account in first person. Any help of how to obtain these records would be great. We will be willing to come down one day, and copy anything like this you may have. I know these documents exsist, but have no idea where to find them to get coppies. Unfortunately, we don't have any copies of any of these histories and would like them for us and our children. anyway, I was wondering if you could help me out? My e-mail address is kellipacker@hotmail.com
Thank You so much!
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