Friday, April 13, 2007



Tiffany said...

Spence and Sarah,
That is the most amazing backyard I think I've ever seen. I felt like I was in Hawaii in some private beach house. Really impressive. Thanks for the pics! Tiff

Chip and Lisa said...

WOW Spence and Sarah- What a cool place you guys have. It truly looks like a heaven on earth. I bet you are so sad to leave it. By the way where are you moving to? It is so fun to see your home and your yard- both are AMAZING!!!
Lisa and Chip

Tiffany said...

I was just showing my kids the blog and Dallin said to me "that's where Caleb fair...can we move there when they sell their house?" Please nobody tell him that your home IS for sale!!!

Packer Family said...

Spence, Sarah, Caleb, Amelia, & Olivia, WOW! The home and yard are even more beautiful than when we were there. You ought to go into interior and exterior decorating!! Way to go! You inspire us. Love you all so much! Mom