Monday, July 2, 2007

The Infamous Crash...dun, dun dun.... are the pictures of my brave little car that held up oh-so-well in our "hit-and-run" last week. Yes, we were hit by an illegal immigrant with no license and no insurance. Although he hit us and took off...Danny chased him down with my smashed car and we were able to work things out with the police and with him...sort of!
It was a good thing his car was banged up too because it didn't let him get away too fast or go too far! We are doing well and sustained no serious injuries! We feel very lucky and blessed!
-Shalayne and Danny

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

OH, look at that little hyundai! I"m so glad you guys are safe, and I hope to never receive another phone call from you guys like that again...scare me to death! Love you, tif